Approaching weekend of 5/6 November the weather forecast was looking good. ‘El Presidente ‘ Craig summoned the gang with an encouraging email advising that towing was available Sunday and Monday, in addition to the rostered Saturday. Lloyd very kindly agreed to tow on all days. A big thank you Lloyd.
Saturday forecast was for cumulus to about 7,000ft. Weather tuned out as forecast with cloudbase reaching almost 8,000ft. The cirrus overhead probably reduced heating a bit and I found climbs were generally good 4-5kts with the occasional one slightly stronger.
Those that took advantage of the day were: Rod van den Brink is his mighty Astir 77, David Jones in his ASW20, Craig Vinall in is shiny new AS33, and me in my JS1. WeGlide credited me with 336 km, Craig with 273 and Rod with 267 km. David J had a sightseeing trip up and down the Murray looking at the flooding.
Looking towards Waikerie from overhead Kingston with cirrus overcast.
Sunday forecast was for slightly better conditions and so it was. By mid-morning largish cumulus formed to the North East over the scrub showing potential for overdevelopment, which in the end didn’t occur. Interestingly over the course of the day cumulus seemed reluctant to develop over a large area to the North West of Morgan and in the vicinity of the irrigation triangle of Kingston, Renmark and Loxton. Further afield, Craig reported that the river region around and to the south of Wentworth was “soft”.
Pilots that flew were Rod, Craig, David J, John Spronk and me. Bill took past member Roger Langdon’s partner, Jane, on a local flight. WeGlide credited Rod’s declared flight WKI, Morgan, Lake Culluleraine, Ittledo WKI of 444km as best flight from Waikerie for the day. After check flying the club Discus following it’s annual inspection, Craig was credited with 501km and me 493. John flew 300km WKI, Peebinga, Lindsay River and home in the LS4. David J crisscrossed the area. Brian Rau check flew the Arcus and again with Nigel Baker. Check our WeGlide for details of some of the flights.
After much promise, Monday forecast was a bit more subdued. Craig and Rod ventured forth with Craig making 527 km and Rod 484km .
We are going to keep an eye on Rod as he is going to blitz us all if we don’t pull up our socks to just match him.!!!! 3 great flights Rod. 500Km next, then the 750.
For those that are interested, WeGlide has an excellent feature where, having inserted your flight data, you can select Satellite images and the satellite picture is superimposed on your flight. Then by scrolling along the barograph trace you can see what the sky looked like at any point in your flight. Here is an image of Craig’s flight at about 3:30 on Sunday. Note the lack of cumulus associated with the river area and to the north west of Morgan.