AGM Weekend Sat 13 May 2023

Saturday Flying

Skysight had predicted a blue day to about 4,000ft.   The day started off looking and feeling rather dead with the early afternoon flights experiencing smooth air.

The Murray Bridge Gliding club had made their annual trek to Waikerie for spin checks, arriving by air in their motor gliders as well as by road.   Bill and Craig both took their turns in the back seat watching the world go round.   A total of 6 spin checks were conducted.

I had just finished my annual inspection and having not flown since January was keen to get into the air.   I had taken my glider out but figured I would leave it for another day unless ‘something happened’.

Whilst the spin training was going on, the tops of cumulus way to the west over the hills were beginning to appear and we were envious of the Stonefield mob who were much closer to the action.

About when I was considering abandoning the day – lo and behold, cumulus began to form over the scrub to the north and it didn’t take long for the clouds to reach the river.    Accordingly I launched at around 1:30 and the cumulus appeared rather good to the north so I took a lazy run northward and then out to the east over the scrub to abeam Lake Bonney.   Cloudbase was just a smidgeon under 7,000ft.

It was interesting to see that great expanse of water in the Renmark, Loxton Overland Corner triangle has now gone and the river again looks somewhat more normal.   Amazing how fast the river drained!

With the AGM starting at 4 PM, I made a quick race home to put he glider away and scurry into the clubrooms.   About 130km in about 1 ½ hours.   Probably another 100k or so in the day fore a tilt at the Winter Trophy, but for the AGM.

In addition to the K21 training, Adam Stott and John Spronk took the Duo Discus for a run to sample the lovely conditions.


A good turnout easily forming the necessary quorum.

Highlights of the annual reports included; A thank you to members and supporters who assisted with the summer activities; No accidents and few incidents; A nice little profit across the financials.

Office bearers were (re)elected as follows:

President:   Craig Vinall

Vice President:   Patrick Dunn

Secretary:   Art Hohmann

Treasurer:   Bill Mudge

Committee Members

Haidyn Dunn

Adam Stott

John Spronk

David Pietsch


Other club positions include

Tugmaster:   Lloyd Baum

Chair of Training Panel:  Craig Vinall

Chief Flying Instructor:   Bill Mudge

Airworthiness Administration Officer:   Mark Morgan

Webmaster:   Rodney van den Brink


A nice barbeque dinner followed, incorporating the annual club awards which were presented by Bill Mudge.    For those that remember, last year the awards was largely a Craig and Rod show, but this time there was an interloper – John Spronk.   Craig and Rod still managed a solid appearance.

Craig Vinall took out 4 awards:

The Rex Coats Award   The Fastest FAI triangle –– 122.6 kph over 325 km.

The Jenke Bros Award   Best Flight of the Year –– 827 km @ 124 kph.  (314 km @ 157 kph)

The Ron Thayne Trophy    First 750 km of Year –– 827 km.

The Winter Trophy   Longest flight between 1 May and 31 August –– 248 km on 23 July 22

Craig with the Ron Thayne and Jenke Bros awards

Rod van den Brink took out 2 awards

The Greatest Altitude gain – The Claude Sarre Trophy – Rodney van den Brink with a gain of 11,867 ft.

Longest Flight by a club member with <500 hrs – The Terk Bayley Award – Rodney van den Brink with 425.5 km.

Rod with the Claude Sarre award

John Spronk also took out two awards.  Soooo… close to his 300km badge distance!

Longest Flight by Club Member in Club Aircraft – The Frank Jinks Trophy – John Spronk 299km.

Pilot who misses an award by the smallest margin – The Heartbreak Award – John Spronk 299km.

It was decided to postpone the traditional AGM bonfire to a date a little later in the year where we might have a dedicated bonfire night and make a social event of it.

Final Word

There is a saying that no good turn goes unpunished!.   To cut a long story short driving home early Sunday morning for Mother’s Day and Wedding anniversary, near the checking station at Blanchetown, a big kangaroo had other ideas.   Not the celebration as intended!!

Got as far as Truro and then loaded onto a tow-truck.   Gloomsville!!

David Pietsch

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      General Enquiries, Introductory Flights, Weekend Flying: Bill Mudge, Mobile 0429 413 570

      Membership: Bill Mudge
      Mobile 0429 413 570

      Hire of Facilities: Bill Mudge

      Our Address:
      Sir Donald Anderson Drive
      Waikerie, 5330
      South Australia

      PO box 320

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