The SAGA Coaching Week has been running here since Sunday. Bernard Eckey has been organising this: we have about 15 gliders and crews visiting to take part, as well as several Waikerie members. Adelaide Soaring Club has lent a tug, which is very helpful in the middle of the day when everybody wants to launch at the same time. Their DG1000 is here, as are two ASK21 from Balaklava and several other gliders from ASC, Balaklava and AUGC.
This year’s guest coach is Ingo Renner. Several people have had a chance to fly with Ingo, and we’ve all been able to ask him questions. It’s great to talk to someone with so much experience and knowledge, and such a friendly, open manner. Harry Medlicott is also visiting. Bernard and others have also given lectures on a variety of subjects, and there are training and check flights going on for those who need them. There’s a lot of two-seater and lead-and-follow coaching happening.
The soaring conditions weren’t fantastic early in the week: winds were southerly, then light SE: with temperatures in the 30s, thermal heights were around 4000 feet, increasing as the days warmed up to 7000 feet yesterday. People still went out and flew tasks though, which they might not have done if it weren’t Coaching Week.
Today (10 January) the forecast is for 43 degrees, and there are some beautiful high cumulus over Renmark. It will be interesting to see what kind of flights are going on!
Pete S
Early Coaching Week
January 10, 2008